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About us

The Maker Access Pass (MAP) program was built and designed in 2017 by the Innovation Wyrkshop makerspace at the University of Wyoming College of Engineering & Applied Science in Laramie, WY. Since then, it has grown to include eight makerspaces in Wyoming and one in Iowa, with more partners and organizations added each year! Today, teams from the University of Wyoming (UW) and North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) largely serve as the administrators for the MAP.

our story

At the heart of it, we think having to retrain to use machines that boot up, load materials, and operate the exact same way whether they’re in Boston or Barcelona is just plain silly!

And makerspace administrators that have to redesign courses and ‘reinvent the wheel’ to custom build workshops around their institution‘s policies, politics, and protocols is equally time-consuming.

So why not share everything with everyone? Makers can get to creating more quickly, and administrators can focus on what really matters: building up their maker communities.


That's why we created the MAP. It’s a win-win in our book.

our purpose

Innovation  typically happens at the intersection of diverse backgrounds, ideas, and experiences. When makers from different cultures, upbringings, and mindsets get in the same room, they can provide new, creative, innovative, and wonderfully diverse, ‘outside-the-box’ solutions to complex problems. Our hope is that the MAP breaks down some institutional walls

to allow those innovators to start collaborating that much quicker.

our goals

At the heart of it, our team is passionate about providing your makers with the most engaging, exciting workshop and makerspace programming that we can. Our makerspaces will always be welcoming, open, inclusive, and accessible to all those who wish to use them.


We support equity, inclusion, diversity, respect, and equality for everyone. It's our duty to provide a safe, welcoming atmosphere where makers from all technical levels, abilities, and backgrounds can bring their unique experiences and perspectives to the innovative design process. At all levels and across all of our policies and decisions, we seek to create expertiential creative content that champions maker values and fosters mutual respect.





College of Engineering & Applied Science 
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071

(307) 766-6460
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© 2022 Maker Access Pass, Innovation Wyrkshop
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