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IND150: Learning the Stratasys J750 Polyjet Printer

A 3D printer that can print objects in full vibrant color and a host of materials simultaneously seems like something out of Star Trek... and yet you have access to one as part of the MAP program! Material Jetting (MJ), otherwise known as polyjet 3D printing, is a 3D printing process where droplets of material are jetted out and cured on a build plate. Using microscopic droplets of photopolymer resin that cure when exposed to light, objects are built up one layer at a time.
Material jetting works in a similar way to a standard inkjet printer does, mixing and depositing cyan, magenta, yellow, and black/white material. The key difference is that, instead of printing a single layer of CMYK ink, multiple layers of CMYK resin are built upon each other to create a solid part. MJ is best known as one of the only types of 3D printing technology capable of printing full-color objects made of multiple materials simultaneously. Meaning that yes, you can actually 3D print an entire shoe, top to bottom.
Sign up to learn how to use one of the only publicly-accessible Stratasys J750 printers west of the Mississippi and learn a skill that will seriously impress future employers.
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In this course, you'll learn:
How 3D printing works
How polyjet (i.e. material jetting) 3D printing differs from other types of 3D printers.
How the Stratasys J750 works, and what material capabilities make it exceptional when compared to traditional FDM or SLA 3D printing.
Using the GrabCAD Print slicer software, including best practices for setting up a print on the J750.
A firm understanding of the precise cleaning protocol required before every job, including cleaning print heads, roller, wiper blades, and around the purge grate.
Interpreting the materials cabinet menu.
Sending a print to the printer and hitting print.
Cleaning up the printer once the project finishes.
Basic instruction on operating the PowerBlast after printing.
Operating the SCA 3600 cleaning station to remove 706B soluble material, including additional PPE and safety requirements at this station.